Created for NEW ENGLAND RUNNER Race Directors' Conference & Workshop
Copyright 1999-2016 USATF-New England - may not be reproduced without permission
This checklist is applicable to all races to greater or lesser extents, depending on size and complexity of event
Entry Blank Information
The entry blank should contain the following information:
- Date of race
- Starting time
- Start and finish location(s), directions, transportation, parking information
- Race distance
- Course description (include terrain, landmarks, mile markers, elevation)
- Course map
- Course certification number
- Race sanction with USA Track & Field
- Sponsoring/assisting organizations
- Municipalities recognition
- Sponsor/contributor recognition
- Age groups/Awards
- Awards/Prizes (with depth in each category)
- Club/corporate team categories/prizes (team rules spelled out), if applicable
- Time/Location of awards ceremony
- Amenities (T-shirt, etc., with limits)
- T-shirt/packet pick-up information
- Race information contact/address/telephone number
- Entry fee (spell out non-refundable!), entry deadline, check payable to...
- Number pick-up information
- Post-entry procedures
- Mailing address (on the application part to be mailed and on the information part kept by the athlete)
- Race limit, if applicable
- Prohibitions - No strollers, no dogs, no wearing headphones
- Refreshments
- Clinics and other related activities
- Website, and address for online registration
- Online Entries should have the same information
The application part should request:
- Name, address (street, city, state, zip), telephone, email address
- Age and date of birth, gender
- USATF number if a championship or prize money race
- Team/club designation, and when applicable, special categories (town resident, corporate group)
- A comprehensive Waiver of Liability / Assumption of Risk and space for written signature
(parent or guardian if under 18) or online acknowledgement which
Promote the race with help of the following methods:
- Websites and social media
- Distribution of entry forms through mailing, and at running stores, health clubs, and races
- Posters and neighborhood flyers, as well as at sponsors' locations
- Media announcement (calendar listing) to local media, local running/sports magazines
- Television/Radio public service announcements
- Press releases
- Advertisements (Websites, magazines, newsletters)
- Despite electronic media and websites, a paper entry or info card is still important
During the months preceding the race, the following tasks should be accomplished:
- Create management plan and operations manual
including detailed safety and emergency plan (ongoing) - Municipal and State Permits (start at least 6-8 months ahead
- Sanction (USA Track & Field-New England - www.uastfne.org/road )
providing insurance for event directors and third parties - Certificates of Insurance
- Course measurement and certification
- Timing service contracted, or finish/results committee created (6 months ahead)
- Course miles marked
- Signage prepared for course and race site
- Police Liaison/details arranged
- Fire department notified
- Hospitals notified / Medical services arranged
- Press/Course vehicles secured
- T-shirts/other give-away items obtained
- Race numbers/Safety pins obtained
- Registration data system established
- Entry forms filed in alphabetical order and entry fees deposited
and online registration process understood - Committees established and captains appointed for:
- registration
- publicity and promotion
- sponsors and donations
- timing / scoring / results distribution
- medical
- aid stations
- course security/marshals/communications
- awards
- refreshments/clean-up
- race photographer for participant photos, documentation and history, future sponsor presentation
- Runners' information prepared for distribution and/or posting on race day:
- medical/weather information
- timing/starting line-up information
- large display course map with miles and aid stations
- clothing/check-in/changing facilities/showers
- results posting
Race Day
- Course/informational signs posted
- Volunteer/Official area assembled
- tables/chairs/signage posted
- refreshments
- t-shirt/official identification
- instructional briefings prepared
- Media area assembled
- tables/chairs/signage
- copying machine, fax, web access
- race information/print-outs
- Pre-registered runners area
- list/printout posted
- number pick-up
- t-shirt/packet pick-up
- Post-registration area set up
- entry forms/pens/pencils
- race numbers/pins
- race packets
- cash box/change
- Problem table set up
- Police briefed
- Course officials/marshals briefed
- Start/Finish officials briefed
- Official photographer(s) briefed (provide with shot-list)
- Press/Course vehicle drivers briefed (someone completely familiar with the course should serve as guide in each vehicle!)
- Trail/sweep vehicle - driver briefed (provide vehicle with communications, water, cups, blankets, first-aid kit)
- Race starter equipped and briefed
- Start/finish banner(s) mounted
- Start/finish review stands assembled
- PA system(s)/bullhorns functioning
- Rest room facilities in place
- Clothing check-in in place
- Start/Finish line equipment in place:
- pace/seeding signs
- finish tape
- chute materials (stanchions, rope)
- digital display clock
- computer system (functioning)
- recording sheets, clipboards, pencils for timers, select timers, bib number recorders, backup manual timing system in place
- bib number tear-off tag spindles if applicable
- tables/chairs
- electric power access or generator
- water station set up
- Medical area set-up
- isolated, covered area near finish line
- supervising MD and qualified nurses, EMT's
- communications - internal and to larger medical center
- ice, IV's, hot and cold fluids, cots, blankets
- immediate triage capability
- Water stations in place:
- water/electrolyte replacement fluid
- cups, pitchers
- tables
- barrels/trash bags
- rakes (for clean-up)
- Course material in place
- mile/kilometer markers
- directional arrows
- water/aid station marker
- communication equipment/personnel (radio volunteers, cell phone directory card for all key race personnel)
- stop watches for mile split callers
- Results area functioning:
- isolated area close to finish line
- tables/chairs
- electric power hook-up
- computer and printer
- copying machine
- telephone/fax/email capability
- pre-printed awards/results sheets
- Refreshments area functioning:
- tables, trays
- ice
- utensils depending on foods available, napkins
- trash barrels/bags
- Awards area functioning:
- tables/podium/announcing stand
- PA system
- awards display area, with awards arranged in order of distribution
- results posting board/area
Post Race
- Clean-up of all areas (course, start and finish area, locker rooms, etc.)
- Press release with results
- Post-race stories/photos to press and websites
- Post-race mailing to participants
- Thank-you's to sponsors, volunteers, contributors, municipalities, facility owners
- Post-race evaluation meeting with organizing committee
- Volunteer/Officials party -- then start on next year!